Practical Strategies for People that Resist Mouth Care
Transforming mouth care challenges into success
A Study carried out at the University of Portsmouth, Dec 2023 [1] found that that people living with dementia had more dental plaque, higher levels of tooth decay and more oral problems compared to people without dementia. These people require more support to maintain personal hygiene and present more challenges with care-resistant behaviour as dementia progresses.
Suggested Tips for People that Resist Mouth Care
There is no one solution for every individual person, and techniques which are found to be helpful may need to be adapted as a persons mental or physical health declines.
Why people with dementia resist
It is a fear- evoked response to mouth care when residents’ exhibit behaviour such as shouting, pushing, hitting, biting, spitting. They are doing this to protect themselves.
There are particular structures [amygdala pathway] that deteriorate which affects the control of fear responses causing them to become ‘threatened to low or nonthreatening situations’. (LaBar et al., 2005).
Residents may develop reflexes that make tooth brushing difficult such as closing their lips, clenching their teeth, biting and moving their head. If this is the case it would be helpful to ask a family member who is more familiar with the resident to be present and help.
Early Dementia Able to care for their own oral health or will merely need reminding.
Mid – Late Dementia May be unable to communicate that they are in pain. They may do this in other ways such as crying, pulling or hitting their face, hitting out at care staff, or being very passive.
Resistance to oral care by people with dementia is most often a response to fear, and it is more helpful to view this behaviour as a sign of distress rather than the resident choosing to be aggressive and uncooperative.
Here are some general considerations when approaching someone for mouth care
Know the person Try to figure out why the person is refusing(e.g., bad time, pain, fear) and change approach accordingly
Use visual cues such as hand gestures and demonstration and less talking.
Gradually build up trust to having their teeth brushed. Break the task down. Brush the front of the teeth one day and the back of the teeth another day.
Give positive feedback and encouragement
Speak clearly using simple vocabulary. Be patient and repeat yourself as appropriate. Explain each step.
Talk to the person at eye level and within his or her visual field. (Kayser-Jones, Bird, Redford, Schell, & Einhorn, 1996)
Approach the person side-on. People with dementia will have diminished peripheral vision, in later stages sight becomes monocular. Approaching someone face-on may appear confrontational.
Reassuring touch. Spatial disorientation is one of the first symptoms of dementia. Place your hand on their shoulder or knee so they can establish where you are before brushing the teeth.
Encourage Independence
NHS Scotland tips and coping strategies
Do all you can to encourage as much independence as possible. Residents may exhibit less resistance when care staff encourage them to carry out their own oral care as it gives them a sense of control.
Bridging – ‘Follow my leader style’.
Describe and show the toothbrush to the resident, mimic brushing your own teeth, give a spare toothbrush to the resident, and the resident may mirror your behaviour and brush their own teeth
Chaining – this involves gently bringing the resident’s hand to the mouth while describing the activity. Let the resident continue if they are able. –
Hand over hand – if chaining is not successful, then place your hand over the resident’s and gently brush the teeth together.
Distraction - Try singing or giving the person something to hold or do by placing a familiar item in the resident’s hand while you brush the resident’s teeth.
Rescuing – Sometimes having someone new (rescue) take over the task works bringing a different approach, different manner which may encourage the resident to cooperate.
Timing – The morning may simply not be the best time. Having oral care after medication and breakfast may be better.
Breaking the task down - It maybe that one side of the mouth gets brushed in the morning and the other side in the evening? Ensure that you note what area has been brushed so other staff are aware.
What to do if someone doesn’t want mouth care.
They may not be used to having someone else clean their teeth.
Try and engage in small talk
Say things like, “I can see something in your mouth”. Try to find out why the person does not want you to carry out mouthcare and respond to this.
The individual may be tired? – come back later when the person may be more receptive.
Pain – It may hurt them, be gentle, use a soft brush, run it under warm water. check for soreness, infection, broken teeth, etc. and take appropriate action.
Fear – provide reassurance; explain and if necessary what you are going to do on yourself.
Develop a routine (e.g. same time/same carers).
Try not to carry out all personal care procedures at once.
What to do if someone refuses to open
They may not understand you or may not want to have their teeth brushed.
If the person is agitated then come back another time.
If someone doesn’t open then stroke the side of the cheek to encourage them to open their mouth
Be reassuring.
Say what you are going to do before you do it.
Touch the mouth, or teeth gently with the brush to prompt opening.
Place the back of the toothbrush against the lips and gently twist it so it opens the lips and touches the front teeth Start by cleaning the outer surfaces of the front teeth. Then move to the outer surfaces of the back teeth
Or….with a smile, say that you’ll come back later.
The Good news is that once the mouth is open you can usually complete mouthcare.
Biting the toothbrush
If someone bites down on the toothbrush whilst brushing have another brush handy to continue brushing the teeth. This gives you access to the inside of the teeth
Gently rubbing the cheek or jaw – relaxes jaw to release the toothbrush
Sucking on the toothbrush
This is an instinctive reflex. Explain what you are doing, be gentle assure them you will be quick.
Gently rub cheek to relax jaw muscle.
Start by cleaning the outer surfaces of the front teeth. Then move to the outer surfaces of the back teeth.
Ask the person to say ‘ah’ for cleaning the biting and inside surfaces.
Give positive feedback and encouragement
If someone show physical aggression
Come back later; pick another time of day when the person is calmer and more receptive.
Try someone the person is more familiar and relaxed with.
Be patient, take time and be reassuring. Do not talk about the person but always to the person.
Explain what you are going to do and why you are going to do it.
Stay calm and quiet yourself.
Look in the mouth for any signs of soreness, infection, broken teeth etc.
If someone grabs your hand
Grabbing the hand is most common in the middle stage of dementia.
Stop what you are doing. They may not understand so explain what you are doing or they may be in pain.
They may want to do the brushing themselves. Give them the toothbrush, put your hand over theirs and guide them.
If you notice bleeding, ulcers or sores be gentle and keep an eye on them.
Individual maybe anxious or scared
Get them to hold your hand whilst brushing for reassurance.
Maybe get her refocused on something else. Massage shoulder as a distraction favourite programme, song.
Distraction Give them something to hold or touch distraction technique or Play music to calm them.
Unable to spit
Dampen the toothbrush in mouthwash or use a smear of toothpaste, preferably non foaming.
Put a cup under mouth although they may associate the cup with drinking and not spit into the cup but over it. If this is the case then put the person near a sink for spitting.
Do not put addition fluid mouth in the mouth
Ensure that they are sat up
Use a gauze to remove excess fluid or use a suctioning toothbrush.
Removing denture
Get the individual to take their own denture/s out. It takes patience.
Hand over hand. Guide the person's hand, putting their fingers in their mouth to remove their own denture. (Jablonski et al., 2011).
Carer removes denture/s. Give a reason for taking dentures out like making the dentures feel fresh and clean. If they don’t understand use simple sentences, rub the cheek
What to do if someone continually refuses mouth care
If a resident refuses mouth care on several consecutive attempts, this should be escalated to a senior nurse or their medical team
Who should consult with one of the following:
• dementia Liaison or Community Mental Health teams
• the resident’s dentist if they have one or healthcare professional
• your local NHS Dental Helpline for advice and information on which dentists in your area can help.
Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Acting in the best interests of someone lacking capacity to make a decision for themselves
People who work with or care for others who lack capacity to make decisions have a legal duty to consider the Code of Practice. Any care provided should be in the patient’s best interests and be the least restrictive on the individual’s rights and freedom of action. It is important to make every attempt to support a patient with mouth care, a failure to do means neglecting them of care.
If issued with a certificate of Incapacity
All regular personal healthcare (oral care is included) is to be given despite resistance – but the principles of the Incapacity Act must still be upheld. Consideration should also be given to local policies and the resident’s care plan.
One of the key principles of the Act is that any act done for, or any decision made on behalf of a person who lacks capacity must be done, or made, in that person’s best interests.
As long as these acts or decisions are in the best interests of the person who lacks capacity to make the decision for themselves, or to consent to acts concerned with their care or treatment, then the decision-maker or carer will be protected from liability.
Transforming Mouth Care Challenges into Success Download presentation HERE
[1] No More Fighting and Biting During Mouth Care: Applying the Theoretical Constructs of Threat Perception to Clinical Practice, Rits A Jablonski et al. PMC 2012 HERE