Finding an NHS Dentist in England
NHS England Commissions dental services in England is required to meet the needs of their local population for both urgent and routine dental care.
Visit below for assistance in finding an NHS Dentist in your area
Where to search
People do not have to see their nearest or local dentist – the NHS website on How to find an NHS dentist explains that, unlike GP surgeries, dentists do not have catchment areas.
Someone looking for a dentist could try different areas that are convenient for them, such as near their place of work or study.
Finding a dentist online
The NHS Find a dentist search tool lists dentist practices within the local area of a postcode, town or city. Each listing includes the address and contact details of the practice, whether they are currently taking on new NHS patients and when this information was last updated.
Clicking on a practice will open a page with more information, including opening times and reviews.
Healthwatch advise that if information on the search page has not recently been updated, people should contact the practice directly for up-to-date information.
MPs and their staff can request more information on the services available in their area from the Social and General Statistics section of the Commons Library Service.
NHS England Customer Contact Centre
The NHS website states that if, after contacting different practices, someone cannot find an NHS dental appointment they should ring the NHS England Customer Contact Centre on 0300 311 2233.