Training in Oral Health Care for All the Team
For anyone that is involved in personal care from caregivers to healthcare professionals Group training or Individuals
Care homes [all types], community care services, learning disability organizations, hospitals, hospice.
Train the Trainer Course
Cascade Learning within your care home/ organisation
There are no set requirements, we train people that have never trained before to experienced trainers.
At the end of the course the participant will be able to confidently cascade oral care training sessions to staff, relaying important information and demonstrate skills in an interesting fun way.
TIME 10am - 3pm
£500 delivered via webinar Inc Training kit
Train the Trainer Refresher Course
Oral Champion Course
For individuals
The Care Quality Commission [CQC] emphasize the value of having an Oral Champion to promote good practice and provide a link between care homes and dental professionals.
By the end of this course the student will have a comprehensive understanding of oral health knowledge and how poor oral health can affect a persons health and wellbeing to include care for people with different needs.
You'll understand what your role entails and will have the knowledge and skills to confidently cascade oral healthcare information to other staff members.
TIME 10am - 1pm
£85 per oral champion
Whether you are an individual or represent an organisation with numerous members of staff to train, our e-Learning provides a cost effective and easy to use course.
The content is divided into short modules which can be paused at any time. The modules are clear and engaging with a variety of visual and audio learning cues and intermittent knowledge checks.
What is covered?
The training is comprehensive without being complex in detail and covers everything required to manage mouth care for vulnerable adults
Plenty of practical advice is given throughout the training to help develop practical skills and build confidence.
By the end of the training the student will have learned:
best practice mouth care management to include attending to people with complex needs, denture care
oral findings in the mouth to include attending to bleeding gums, dry mouth, ulcers
knowledge of the mouth in health and disease and how it affects general health and well-being.
understanding best practice and clinical governance
how to carry out an oral health assessment and mouth care needs in care plans
practical strategies for people that exhibit resistant behaviour to mouth care
the latest mouth care guidance for people in palliative and end of life care to include recommended tools and products
How long is the training?
This will depend on what course you have selected [see below]
CPD certificates are issued for each attendee